179. 久保田耕平 (2017) 韓国のルリクワガタ属事情. 昆虫と自然, 52 (3): 21-24.
178. 久保田耕平 (2017) 3. 身近なところに隠れている大発見:クワガタムシの隠蔽種と菌嚢. 発展編・研究の世界へ, 東京大学初年次ゼミナール理科テキスト・科学の技法, 158-165. 東京大学出版社.
177. Sasakawa K., Kim J.-L., Kim J.-K., Kubota K. (2017) Morphological phylogeny and biogeography of the Pterostichus raptor species group (Coleoptera: Carabidae) of ground beetles, endemic to the Korean Peninsula and adjacent islands. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 20: 7-12.
176. 久保田耕平 (2016) 森林生態系の分解者としての虫とそれを支える菌. 樹木医学研究, 20: 11.
175. 久保田耕平 (2015) ルリクワガタ属の種分化と分布域形成. 昆虫と自然, 50 (14): 19-22.
174. Park Y. H., Won D. S., Jang T. W., Chae H. M., Kim J. H., Kubota K., Kim J. K. (2015) Community structure and distribution og ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Baekdudaegan Mountain, Gangwon-do, Korea. Forest Science and Technology, 11: 153-159.
173. 鷲見勇貴・逢沢峰昭・久保田耕平・大久保達弘(2015)宇都宮大学船生演習林のオサムシ科甲虫群集の多様性.宇都宮大学演習林報告, 51: 1-8.
172. 久保田耕平 (2015) 「ミハマオサムシ」,「ウガタオサムシ」他8種. 三重県レッドデータブック2015〜三重県の絶滅のおそれのある野生生物〜,三重県.
171. Shibuya S., Kikvidze Z., Toki W., Kanazawa Y., Suizu T., Yajima T., Fujimori T., Mansournia MR., Sule Z., Kubota K., Fukuda K. (2014) Ground beetle community in suburban Satoyama - A case study on wing type and body size under small scale management. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, 17: 775-780.
170. 佐藤里沙・逢沢峰昭・久保田耕平・渋谷園実・大久保達弘 北関東の落葉採取林と未採取林のオサムシ科甲虫群集.日本森林学会誌, 96: 141-145.
169. Karasawa S., Kanazawa Y., Kubota K. (2014) Redefinitions of Spherillo obcurus (Budde-Lund, 1885) and S. dorsalis (Iwamoto, 1943) (Crustacea: Oniscidea: Armadillidae), with DNA markers for identification. Edaphologia, 93: 11-27.
168. 神保克明・ザールキクビツェ・大澤雅彦・福田健二・久保田耕平(2014)関東地方のさまざまな植生条件における地表徘徊性甲虫群集.千葉県生物多様性センター研究報告, 7: 101-106.
167. Jmbo K., Kubota K., Kikvidze Z. (2013) Ground beetle succession on Mount Fujisan. Biogeography, 15: 85-94.
166. Sasakawa K., Kim J. L., Kim J. K., Kubota K. (2013) New distribution record of Pterostichus taebaegsanus Nemoto, 1988 (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Biogeography, 15: 63-65.
165. Sasakawa K., Kim J. L., Kim J. K., Kubota K. (2013) Notes on the ground beetle Pterostichus togyusanus (Coleoptera: Carabidae): Phylogenetic evidence for species status and new distribution record. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 16: 429-431.
164. Tanahashi M., Kubota K. (2013) Utilization of the nutrients in the soluble and insoluble fractions of fungal mycelium by larvae of the stag beetle, Dorcus rectus (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). European Journal of Entomology, 110: 611-615.
163. Kubota K., Miyazaki K., Ebihara S., Takami Y. (2013) Mechanical reproductive isolation via divergent genital morphology between Carabus insulicola and C. esakii with implications in species coexistence. Population Ecology, 55: 35-42.
162. 久保田耕平・久保田典子 ・永幡嘉之・乙部宏(2010) 近畿地方北部におけるトウカイコルリクワガタ近畿亜種とニシコルリクワガタ基亜種(コウチュウ目,クワガタムシ科)の分布. 日本生物地理学会会報 , 66: 7-16.
161. 久保田耕平(監修)(2012)四季の森公園の生き物たち.神奈川県立四季の森公園管理事務所(企画・編集・発行), 27pp.
160. 久保田耕平・永幡嘉之・池田紘士・久保田典子・乙部宏・梅津和夫 (2012) 日本産ルリクワガタ属の系統と進化(4)ー遺伝子解析ー. 月刊むし, むし社, (498): 10-18.
159. 神保克明・久保田耕平・ザール キクビツェ (2011) 富士山の一次遷移過程の異なる環境における地表性甲虫群集とその季節変動. 日本生物地理学会会報 , 66: 7-16.
158. Kubota K., Nagahata Y., Ikeda H., Kubota N., Otobe H., Umetsu K. (2011) Diversification process of stag beetles belonging to the genus Platycerus Geoffroy (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) in Japan based on nuclear and mitochondrial genes. Entomological Science, 14: 411-427.
157. 久保田耕平・久保田典子・乙部宏(2011)日本産ルリクワガタ属の系統と進化(3)ーコルリクワガタ種群の分布境界域と種間の遺伝子流動ー.月刊むし,むし社,(486): 19-24.
156. Shibuya S., Kubota K., Osawa M., Kikvidze Z. Assembly rules in ground beetles: what decides comunity structure, environmental factors or competition? European Journal of Entomology, 108: 453-459.
155. Kubota K., Kubota N (2011) Gene flow between two closely related species in the acuticollis species group (Coleoptera, Lucanidae, genus Platycerus) near their distribution border based on the morphology and mitochondrial gene. Entomological Science, 14: 198-202.
154. 久保田耕平・市川清・松清智洋(2010)第四章 動物相,昆虫の生態. 市民の力で湧水自然を守る・こんぶくろ池物語(NPO法人こんぶくろ池自然の森とアドバイザー会議編),49-58, 千葉日報社.
153. 久保田耕平・久保田典子 (2010) タカネルリクワガタPlatycerus sue(コウチュウ目,クワガタムシ科)の飛来樹種. 日本生物地理学会会報 , 65: 189-191.
152. 久保田耕平・久保田典子 (2010) 京都府北部におけるコルリクワガタ種群the acuticollis species group(コウチュウ目,クワガタムシ科)の分布. 日本生物地理学会会報 , 65: 159-161.
151. 久保田耕平・久保田典子・乙部宏 (2010) 「絶滅のおそれのある野生動植物の種の保存に関する法律」にもとづく緊急指定種,タカネルリクワガタPlatycerus sue(コウチュウ目,クワガタムシ科)のミトコンドリア遺伝子の多様性. 日本生物地理学会会報 , 65: 151-158.
150. Nishikawa M., Ikeda H., Kubota K., Sota T. (2010) Taxonomic redefinition and natural history of the endemic silphid beetle Shilpha longicornis (Coleoptera: Silphidaea) of Japan, with an analysis of its geographical variation. Zootaxa, 2648: 1-31.
149. 久保田耕平(2010)いのちとくらしを支える生物多様性.特集1 生物多様性, 広報すずか,鈴鹿市,1325: 3.
148. Ujiie M., Ishikawa R., Kubota K. (2010) Geographical variation of Carabus (Ohomopterus) esakii Csiki, 1927 (Coleoptera Carabidae) in Japan. Biogeography, 12: 53-64.
147. Kubota K. (2010) Discovery of Carabus (Ohomopterus) dehaanii Chaudoir, 1848 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from the Ôsumi Peninsula, Kyushu, Japan: description of a new subspecies. Biogeography, 12: 49-52.
146. Toki W., Kubota K. (2010) Molecular phylogeny based on mitochondrial genes and evolution of host plant use in the long-horned beetle tribe Lamiini (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Japan. Environmental Entomology, 39: 1336-1343.
145. Kochi K. and Kagaya T. (2010) Does mixing of senescent and green leaves result in nonadditive effects on leaf decomposition? Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 29: 454-464.
144. 久保田耕平・久保田典子・乙部宏・永幡嘉之(2010)日本産ルリクワガタ属の系統と進化(2)ー形態解析ー.月刊むし,むし社,(474): 8-14.
143. 久保田耕平(2010)昆虫の変態と付属肢の発達.日本機械学会誌,113: 436-437.
142. Ikeda H., Kubota K., Kagawa A. and Sota T. (2010) Diverse diet compositions among harpaline ground beetle species revealed by mixing model analyses of stable isotope ratios. Ecological Entomology, 35: 307-316.
141. Tanahashi M., Kubota K., Matsushita N. and Togashi K. (2010) Discovery of mycangia and associated xylose-fermenting yeasts in stag beetles (Coleoptera: Lucanidae). Naturwissenschaften 97: 311-317.
140. 加賀谷隆(分担執筆) (2009) 川の百科事典.丸善
139. Iwasaki Y., Kagaya T., Miyamoto K. and Matsuda H. (2009) Effects of heavy metals on riverine benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages with reference to potential food availability for drift-feeding fishes. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28: 354-363.
138. Kobayashi S. and Kagaya T. (2009) Colonization of leaf patches at topographically different locations by insect shredders in a small mountain stream. Limnology, 10: 143-147.
137. 岩崎雄一・加賀谷隆・宮本健一・松田裕之 (2009) 鉱山廃水処理水流入後の河川底生動物群集の変化:生野銀山における事例.水環境学会誌, 32: 325-329.
136. 細見暁彦・春日郁朗・古米弘明・吉村千洋・中島典之・加賀谷隆・栗栖太 (2009) 河川の粒状有機物動態と底生動物の群集構造に及ぼす下水処理水の影響.水環境学会誌, 32: 375-381.
135. Sasakawa K. and Kubota K. (2009) Phylogeny of ground beetles subgenus Nialoe (s. lat.) Tanaka (Coleoptera: Carabidae; genus Pterostichus): A molecular phylogenetic approach. Entomological Science, 12: 308-313.
134. Ikeda H., Kubota K., Cho Y.-B., Lian H. and Sota T. (2009) Different phylogeographic patterns in two Silpha species (Coleoptera: Silphidae) affected by climatic gradients and topography. Biological journal of the Linnean Society, 98: 452-467.
133. 棚橋薫彦・久保田耕平(2009)クワガタムシと菌類の関係:一方的な利用と共生.昆虫と自然,ニューサイエンス社,44(11): 5-7.
132. 久保田耕平・久保田典子・乙部宏(2009)日本産ルリクワガタ属の系統と進化(1)ーコルリクワガタ種群の分類ー.月刊むし,むし社,(462): 6-21.
131. Toki W. (2009) New host plants and additional records of asymmetric lizard beetle Doubledaya bucculenta Lewis, 1884 (Coleoptera: Erotylidae: Languriinae) in distributional northernmost region. Biogeography, 11: 109-111.
130. Kubota K., Kubota N., Otobe H. and Nagahata Y. (2009) A morphological phylogeny of the genus Platycerus (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) in Japan. Biogeography, 11: 57-72.
129. 久保田耕平・久保田典子・乙部宏(2009)新しく発見されたコルリクワガタ種群の隠蔽種について.昆虫と自然,ニューサイエンス社,44(5): 16-21.
128. Nagata N., Kubota K., Takami Y. and Sota T. (2009) Historical divergence of mechanical isolation agents in the ground beetle Carabus arrowianus as revealed by phylogeographic analyses. Molecular Ecology, 18: 1408-1421.
127. Sasakawa K. (2009) Effects of maternal diet on fecundity and larval development in the ‘primitive’ granivorous carabid Amara ( Curtonotus ) macronota. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata, 130: 106–112.
126. Kobayashi S. and Kagaya T. (2008) Differences in patches of retention among leaves, woods and small litter particles in a headwater stream: the importance of particle morphology, Limnology, 9: 47-55.
125. Sasakawa k. and Toki W. (2008) A new record, sperm bundle morphology and preliminary data on the breeding type of the ground beetle Jujiroa estriata Sasakawa (Coleoptera: Carabidae: platinini). Entomological Science, 11: 415-417.
124. Shibuya S., Kubota K. and Osawa M. (2008) Effect of small-scale management on biodiversity of an abandoned coppice forest in Japan: a case study on vegetation regeneration and ground beetle community. Web Ecology, 8: 116-124.
123. Ikeda H., Honma K. and Kubota K. (2008) Ground-dwelling beetle community in beech forests of Sado Island: comparison with the mainland. Journal of Forest Research, 13: 357-364.
122. Shibuya S., Kubota K., Kikvidze Z. and Osawa M. (2008) Differential sensitivity of ground beetles, Eusilpha japonica and Carabidae, to vegetation disturbance in an abandoned coppice forest in central Japan. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research, 11: 61-72.
121. Kubota K., Kubota N. and Otobe H. (2008) A revision of Platycerus acuticollis Y. Kurosawa (Coleoptera: Lucanidae) and its closely related species. Biogeography, 10: 79-102.
120. Ikeda H., Kagaya T., Kubota K. and Abe T. (2008) Evolutionary relationships among food habit, loss of flight, and reproductive traits: Life history evolution in the Silphinae (Coleoptera: Silphidae). Evolution, 62: 2065-2079.
119. Sasakawa K., Kim J. L., Kim J. K., Kubota K. (2008) Taxonomic studies on Pterostichus ishikawai Nemoto (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Entomological Science, 11: 173-178.
118. Sasakawa K., Kim J. L., Kim J. K., Kubota K. (2008) Notes on Morphodactyla ishikawai (Coleoptera, Carabidae): Recent records and preliminary data on the breeding type. Elytra, 36: 203-204.
117. 久保田耕平・久保田典子・乙部宏(2008)コルリクワガタとその近縁種の分類学的改訂について.鰓角通信,(17): 3-18.
116. 久保田耕平(2008)オサムシの種分化と種間交雑. オサムシ−飛ぶことを忘れた虫たちの魅惑−(川那部浩哉監修),八坂書房,126-138.
115. 長太伸章・曽田貞滋・久保田耕平・八尋克郎(2008)ミトコンドリアDNAから見たオオオサムシ亜属の系統関係—近畿地方の三種を中心に—. オサムシ−飛ぶことを忘れた虫たちの魅惑−(川那部浩哉監修),八坂書房,108-117.
114. 久保田耕平(2008)4. 生殖隔離と種分化. Ⅱ.六脚虫における多様性と進化,節足動物の多様性と系統(石川良輔編),裳華房,50-70.
113. 生川展行・久保田耕平ほか9名(2008)鈴鹿市のコウチュウ目.鈴鹿市の自然—鈴鹿市自然環境調査報告書—,鈴鹿市,525-691.
112. Nagata N., Kubota K., Yahiro K. and Sota T. (2007) Mechanical barriers to introgressive hybridization revealed by mitochondrial introgression patterns in Ohomopterus ground beetle assemblages. Molecular Ecology 16:4822-4836.
111. Sasakawa K. (2007) Laboratory studies on larval feeding habit of Amara macronota (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Zabrini). Applied Entomology and Zoology 42: 353-365.
110. Sasakawa K. (2007) Effects of pitfall-trap preservatives on specimen condition in carabid beetles. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 125: 321-324.
109. Togashi, K. and Jikumaru S. (2007) Evolutionary change in pine wilt system after invasion of Japan by the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Ecological Research 22: (in press).
108. Togashi, K. (2007) Lifetime fecundity and female body size in Paraglenea fortunei (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology (in press).
107. Sasakawa K. (2007) Taxonomic studies on the Bembidion (‘Cillenus’) complex (Coleoptera: Carabidae): A revision of the subgeneric taxonomy and description of a new species from Japan. Zootaxa 1575:35-45.
106. Iwai N., Kagaya T. and Okochi I. (2007) Choice of oviposition site by Rana japonica: role of the developmental stage of conspecific eggs. Herpetologica 63:31-34.
105. Kubota K., Kubota N., Akita K. and Otobe H. (2007) The easternmost record of Figulus punctatus (Coleoptera, Lucanidae) in Honshu and its host woody materials. Biogeography 9: 77-82.
104. Toki W. and Kubota K. (2007) Male genital structures of longicorn beetle in the genus Mesechthistatus (Coloeptera, Cerambycidae, Phrissomini). Biogeography 9:71-75.
103. Sasakawa K. (2007) A natural hybrid between two species in Poecilus ‘samurai (Lutshnik, 1916)’ (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Hokkaido, northern Japan. Biogeography 9:63-66.
102. Sasakawa K., Kim J. L., Kim J. K., Kubota K. (2007) Description of two new species of the subgenus Nialoe Tanaka, 1958 (Coleoptera: Carabidae; genus Pterostichus) from Mt. Jirisan, South Korea. Biogeography 9: 57-61.
101. Iwai N. and Kagaya T. (2007) Positive indirect effect of tadpoles on a detritivore through nutrient regeneration. Oecologia 152:685-694.
100. Sasakawa K. and Kubota K. (2007) Utility of external morphometrics for cryptic species identification: A case study of two species in Poecilus ‘samurai’ (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 42: 353-365.
99. Sanchez-Bayo, F., Yamashita, H., Osaka, R., Yoneda, M. and Goka, K. (2007) Ecological effects of imidacloprid on arthropod communities in and around a vegetable crop. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B Pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes 42 : 279-286
98. Nagata N., Kubota K. and Sota T. (2007) Mitochondrial phylogeography and introgressive hybridization of the ground beetles Carabus yamato in Japan based on mitochondrial gene sequences. Zoological Science 24:465-474.
97. Sasakawa K. (2007) Sperm bundle and reproductive organs of carabid beetles tribe Pterostichini (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Naturwissenschaften 94: 384-391.
96. Sasakawa K. and Kubota K. (2007) Phylogeny and genital evolution of carabid beetles in the genus Pterostichus and its allied genera (Coleoptera: Carabidae) inferred from two nuclear gene sequences. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 100:100-109.
95. Ikeda H., Kubota K. and Kagaya T. (2007) Flight capabilities and feeding habits of silphine beetles: are flightless species really ‘carrion’ beetles?. Ecological Research 22:237-241.
94. Kohno, T., K. Togashi, and N. Fukamiya (2007) The nematocidal activity and the structure-activity relationships of stilbenes. Natural Product Research 21: 606-615.
93. 浅野友子・犬塚将嗣・大川あゆ子・加賀谷隆・梶浦雅子・木村徳志・齋藤奈緒美・酒井秀夫・芝野博文・橘治国・西田継・堀江健二・宮本義憲・脇聡一郎 (2006) 山地森林流域における渓流環境及び生態系総合調査:北海道演習林水系総合調査の報告(Ⅱ).演習林 46: 123-158.
92. 浅野友子・井口和信・磯部良太・大川あゆ子・加賀谷隆・梶浦雅子・鴨田重裕・木村徳志・酒井秀夫・芝野博文・橘治国・寺垣純・堀江健二・宮本義憲 (2006) 北海道演習林水系総合調査の報告(Ⅰ)西達布川源流部と仙人峡.演習林 45: 235-270.
91. 岩井紀子・亘悠哉(2006)奄美大島におけるイシカワガエル、オットンガエルの生息状況.日本爬虫両棲類学会報2006(2): 109-114.
90. Ikeda H., Kubota K., Kagaya T. and Abe T. (2006) Niche differentiation of burying beetles (Coleoptera: Silphidae: Nicrophorinae) in carcass use in relation to body size: estimation from stable isotope analysis. Applied Entomology and Zoology 41:561-564.
89. Sasakawa K. and Kubota K. (2006) Phylogenetic studies of the subgenus Petrophilus Chaudoir (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichus), with description of a new species sympatric with P. thunbergi Morawitz. Zootaxa 1357:31-43.
88. Sasakawa K., Kim J. L., Kim J. K., Kubota K. (2006) Descriptions of two new species of Pristosia (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from South Korea. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 99:1006-1011.
87. Zhang A. B., Kubota K., Takami Y., Kim J. L., Kim J. K. and Sota T. (2006) Comparative phylogeography of three Leptocarabus ground beetle species in South Korea based on mitochondrial COI and nuclear 28S rRNA gene. Zoological Science 23:745-754.
86. Sasakawa K. and Kubota K. (2006) Nebria tenuicaulis sp. nov., a sympatric species with Nebria sadona ohdaiensis Nakane, with studies on the phylogeny of the subgenus Sadonebria Ledoux & Roux (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Zootaxa 1306:41-50.
85. Yamashita H., Kiritani K, Togashi K. and Kubota K. (2006) Wing dimorphism of carabid beetles with special reference to Hemicarabus tuberculosus (deJean et Boisduval) and Cymindis daimio Bates (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 41:463-470.
84. Sasakawa K. (2006) Speciation and dispersal process of Jujiroa Ueno, 1952 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in the Japanese Archipelago, with descriptions of five new species. Biogeography, 8: 45-53.
83. Sasakawa K., Kim J. L., Kim J. K., Kubota K. (2006) Geographical differentiation of “Pterostichus audax (Tschitscherine, 1895)" in South Korea, with descriptions of four new species. Biogeography 8:17-23.
82. Ikeda H., Honma K. and Kubota K. (2006) Body sizes of carabid beetles in Sado Island compared with the mainland. Biogeography 8: 11-16.
81. Sasakawa K. (2006) Morphological association between spermatophores and male genitalia in carabid beetles of the tribe Pterostichini (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Zoological Science, 23: 587-591.
80. 加賀谷隆(分担執筆) (2006) 陸水の事典.講談社サイエンティフィック.
79. Usami T., Yokoyama J., Kubota K. and Kawata M. (2006) Genital lock-and-key system promotes premating isolation by mate preference. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 87:145-154.
78. Zhou, Z.-J. and K. Togashi (2006) Oviposition and larval performance of Monochamus alternatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) on the Japanese cedar Cryptomeria japonica. Journal of Forest Research 11: 35-40.
77. Togashi, K. and Shigesada N. (2006) Spread of the pinewood nematode vectored by the Japanese pine sawyer: modeling and analytical approaches. Population Ecology 48: 271-283.
76. 岩井紀子・加賀谷隆 (2005) モリアオガエル幼生の食性.日本爬虫両生類学会報2005(2): 100-102.
75. 久保田耕平 (2005) 「ミハマオサムシ」,「ウガタオサムシ」他4種. 三重県レッドデータブック2005動物,三重県.
74. Sasakawa K. (2005) Phylogenetic studies of the subgenus Nialoe (s. lat.) (Coleoptera, Carabidae, genus Pterostichus), part 2: the asymmetricus species group. Zoological Science 22:1217-1228.
73. Sasakawa K. (2005) Phylogenetic studies of the subgenus Nialoe (s. lat.) (Coleoptera, Carabidae, genus Pterostichus), part 1: homology of the component parts of male genitalia and higher phylogeny. Zoological Science 22:1205-1216.
72. Sasakawa K. (2005) Pterostichus macrogenys Bates, 1883 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) and its allied species of northern Japan. Biogeography 7: 69-78.
71. Sasakawa K. (2005) Taxonomic notes on Myas Strum, 1826 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Pterostichini) of Japan. Biogeography 7: 11-20.
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60. Iwai N. and Kagaya T. (2005) Difference in larval food habit of two Japanese Rana species. Journal of Freshwater Ecology: 765-770.
59. Ujiie M., Kubota K., Sota, T. and Ishikawa R. (2005) Parallel formation of hybrid swarms of the ground beetles Carabus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in adjacent river basins. Entomological Science 8:429-437.
58. Sasakawa K. and Kubota K. (2005) Cryptic species of the subgenus Morphnosoma Lutshnik (Coleoptera: Carabidae; genus Pterostichus) from Japan. Entomological Science 8:389-404.
57. Zhang A. B., Kubota K., Takami Y., Kim J. L., Kim J. K. and Sota T. (2005) Species status and phylogeography of two closely related Coptolabrus species (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in South Korea inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear gene sequences. Molecular Ecology 14:3823-3841.
56. Ikeda H., Honma K. and Kubota K. (2005) Biotic and abiotic factors affecting the structure of ground invertebrate communities in Japanese cedar dominant forests. Eurasian Journal of Forest Research 8:1-13.
55. Togashi K. and M. Itabashi (2005) Maternal size dependency of ovariole number in Dastarcus helophoroides (Coleoptera: Colydiidae). Journal of Forest Research 10: 373-376.
54. Togashi K., J. E. Appleby and R. B. Malek (2005) Host tree effect on the pupal chamber size of Monochamus carolinensis (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology 40: 467-474.
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49. 久保田耕平・市橋甫・内田孝(2004)伊勢湾を渡るミカワオサムシCarabus arrowianus(コウチュウ目,オサムシ科). 日本生物地理学会会報59:31-39.
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46. Togashi K. (2004) A new method for loading Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) on adult Monochamus alternatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 97: 941-945.
45. Matsunaga, K. and K. Togashi (2004) A simple method for discriminating Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and B. mucronatus by species-specific polymerase chain reaction primer pairs. Nematology 6: 273-277.
44. Arakawa Y. and K. Togashi (2004) Presence of the pine wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, in the spermatheca of female Monochamus alternatus. Nematology 6: 157-159.
43. Jikumaru, S. and K. Togashi (2004) Inhibitory effect of Bursaphelenchus mucronatus (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) on B. xylophilus boarding adult Monochamus alternatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Journal of Nematology 36: 95-99.
42. Matsunaga, K. and K. Togashi (2004) Among-tree difference in the inhibition of systemic dispersal of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) by Pinus densiflora. Applied Entomology and Zoology 39: 271-277.
41. Mimura, Y., K. Kawasaki, F. Takasu, K. Togashi and N. Shigesada (2004) Modelling the range expansion of pine wilt disease. R. Cook & D. J. Hunt (eds.) Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Nematology, 8-13 June 2002, Tenerife, Spain. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden, Netherlands, 843-853.
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39. Togashi, K., Y. J. Chung, and E. Shibata (2004) Spread of an introduced tree pest organism --- the pinewood nematode. In: S.-K. Hong, J. A. Lee, B.-S. Ihm, A. Farina, Y. Son, E.-S. Kim and J. C. Choe (eds.) Ecological issues in a changing world - status, response and strategy. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 173-188.
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36. Kubota K. and Yahiro K. (2003) Description of an isolated and specialized population of Carabus arrowianus (Breuning, 1934) (Coleoptera, Carabidae) discovered in the southernmost part of Mie Prefecture, Japan, as a new subspecies, with analyses of its morphological features. Biogeography, 5:9-15.
35. Shoda E., Kubota K. and Makihara H. (2003) Geographical structure of morphological characters in Semanotus japonicus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Japan. Applied Entomology and Zoology, 38:369-377.
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33. Jikumaru, S. and K. Togashi (2003) Boarding abilities of Bursaphelenchus mucronatus and B. xylophilus (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) on Monochamus alternatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Nematology 5: 843-849.
32. Togashi, K. and S. Hoshino (2003) Trade-off between dispersal and reproduction of a seed-borne nematode, Aphelenchoides besseyi, parasitic on rice plants. Nematology 5: 821-829.
31. Togashi, K. and K. Matsunaga (2003) Between-isolate difference in dispersal ability of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus and vulnerability to inhibition by Pinus densiflora. Nematology 5: 559-564.
30. Togashi, K. and Y. Arakawa (2003) Horizontal transmission of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus between sexes of Monochamus alternatus. Journal of Nematology 35: 7-16.
29. Aikawa, T., K. Togashi and H. Kosaka (2003) Different developmental responses of virulent and avirulent isolates of the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae), to the insect vector, Monochamus alternatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Environmental Entomology 32: 96-102.
28. Ito T., Kagaya T., Hattori T. and Yamamoto E. (2002) Description of two new species of Zephylopsyche from Japan, with special reference to immature stages (Trichoptera: Lepidostomatidae) Nova Supplementa Entomologica 15: 121-132.
27. Kobayashi S. and Kagaya T. (2002) Differences in litter characteristics and macroinvertebrate assemblages between litter patches in pools and riffles in a headwater stream. Limnology 3: 37-42.
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24. Kobayashi T. and Kubota K. (2002) A revision of male adult Ablabesmyia (Diptera: Tanypodinae: Chironomidae) from Japan, with a description of A. prorasha new species, and a key to adult male species of the genus. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 5:317-326.
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19. Arakawa, Y. and K. Togashi (2002) Newly discovered transmission pathway of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus from males of the beetle Monochamus alternatus to Pinus densiflora trees via oviposition wounds. Journal of Nematology 34: 396-404.
18. Anbutsu, H. and K. Togashi (2002) Oviposition deterrence associated with larval frass of the Japanese pine sawyer, Monochamus alternatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Journal of Insect Physiology 48: 459-465.
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16. Kubota K., Kim J.-K. and Lee C.-Y. and Furuta, K. (2001) Ground beetle fauna in Pinus densiflora forests in Yangyang-gun, Kangwon Province, with special reference to outbreaks of the pine needle gall-midge (Thecodiplosis japonensis). Journal of Korean Forestry Society, 90: 632-642.
15. Jikumaru, S. and K. Togashi (2001) Transmission of Bursaphelenchus mucronatus (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) by Monochamus saltuarius (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Nematology 3: 325-334.
14. Anbutsu, H. and K. Togashi (2001) Oviposition deterrent by female reproductive gland secretion in Japanese pine sawyer, Monochamus alternatus. Journal of Chemical Ecology 27: 1151-1161.
13. Togashi, K. and S. Hoshino (2001) Distribution pattern and mortality of the white tip nematode, Aphelenchoides besseyi (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae), among rice seeds. Nematology 3: 17-24.
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11. Sota T., Takami Y., Kubota K., Ujiie M. and Ishikawa R. (2000) Interspecific body size differentiation in species assemblage of the carabid subgenus Ohomopterus in Japan. Population Ecology, 42:279-291.
10. Sota T., Kusumoto F. and Kubota K. (2000) Consequences of hybridization between Ohomopterus insulicola and O. arrowianus (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in a segmented river basin: parallel formation of hybrid swarms. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 71: 297-313.
9. Sota T., Takami Y., Kubota K. and Ishikawa R. (2000) Geographic variation in the body size of some Japanese Leptocarabus species (Coleoptera, Carabidae): the "toppled-domino pattern" in species along a geographic cline. Entomological Science, 3:309-320.
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5. Hoshino, S. and K. Togashi (2000) Effect of water-soaking and air-drying on survival of Aphelenchoides besseyi in Oryza sativa seeds. Journal of Nematology 32: 303-308.
4. Aikawa, T. and K. Togashi (2000) Movement of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) in tracheal system of adult Monochamus alternatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Nematology 2: 495-500.
3. Anbutsu, H. and K. Togashi (2000) Deterred oviposition response of Monochamus alternatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) to oviposition scars occupied by eggs. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 2: 217-223.
2. Takasu, F., N. Yamamoto, K. Kawasaki, K. Togashi, Y. Kishi, N. Shigesada (2000) Modeling the expansion of an introduced tree disease. Biological Invasions 2: 141-150.
1. Jikumaru, S. and K. Togashi (2000) Temperature effects on the transmission of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Nemata: Aphelenchoididae) by Monochamus alternatus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Journal of Nematology 32: 110-116.